Goal against Santander

Calculated. Real Madrid had scored three goals before the end of the first half hour and six were still missing when the final 23 minutes of the match. Of the half dozen goals, four bore the signature of Christian, whom failing the fifth was a disappointment inconsolable, there are nights when one is not for nothing. Di Maria gave two assists, led to a penalty, hit a truant, pulled Chilean and was even more important that what he did. His party also can be measured in kilometers. Suffice it to say that ended the slaughter as left-back hustling. In short, the mileage completed will be worth the Platinum card from any carrier.

To explain what happened must be set in Madrid, in his sudden maturity. To understand the speed of events will have to ask the coach of Racing. Portugal placed as advanced its line of five defenses that the host had only to find the space to draw the mark of Zorro on the back of his guards. Thus came the first three goals, the defense racinguista retracing his steps as the army of Maximilian. Di Maria attended Higuain in the first, long pass, worth Schuster. The second was Higuain who wrapped the gift and opened it Christian. The third was a carbon copy, only change to Higuain by Özil, goal by Cristiano another.

I admit that at that moment we feared running out of game. Happened against Milan and is often the case, who is close to the scoring was agreed that the other guys also have a mother, wife or even, perhaps young. And lift your foot. With many teams, but are not trained by Mourinho.
Ogre good.

Among the achievements of this Shrek the benches (forgive the metaphor for that character that hides sulfur, say those closest to an ogre good) is transmitted to the group having a ferocity and a commendable delivery. There was no breaths, then. If the Racing poked his head was on his own dignity and genius of Kennedy family name from the Bay of Pigs did not look like wrapped in a disaster.

The fourth goal was born from a double effort, the Di Maria for taking the ball and Cristiano to dial. The fifth repeat players to the penalty and a goal for ever. The sixth was the work of Özil after dropping the ball with his instep with velvet.

At the half-dozen, the most pious recalled that at school so uncomfortable situation was resolved by changing to the better side of good, or a couple, if both imbalance. Cristiano and Di Maria, for instance. Those two, with Racing, that does not falter. And everybody was happy, more dignified and more toned the battered abusers. No possibility of returning to school yard, Racing had to settle for a rebound goal, joint work and back Diop Rosenberg. And there was little in the light of what could be.

History will point you to the powerful Christian night. The bright frequent traveler cards belonging to Di Maria.

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